
segunda-feira, setembro 14, 2009

2009 Elections: Mozambique political process bulletin

Violence at start of campaign
Young men in cars covered in Frelimo posters vandalised the MDM headquarters in Bairro 2, Chókwé, Gaza early Sunday morning. In Changara, Tete, young men in Frelimo t-shirts burned the Renamo headquarters and three houses. It was a violent start to the official election campaign, which began on Sunday 13 September.
The Chókwè incident started at 7 pm on Saturday when youths went to the party headquarters and took the MDM flag. Then at 2 am Sunday, the same group arrived in two cars, one with its registration number covered by a Frelimo poster, and the other a Toyota with registration MGB 07 54 still visible. The young men then broke in and vandalised the interior, breaking windows and even smashing plates used for food for the campaign team. Three people were hurt, one seriously.
In Changara, Tete, at 6 am Sunday 13 September, 20 youths with Frelimo t-shirts and flying Frelimo banners burned the Renamo headquarters and three houses of Renamo members. Changara was a centre of ballot box stuffing and attacks on the opposition in 2004 elections; Renamo party delegates were forced out of polling stations in 2004.

Violence and damage in brief
Reports from our journalists in the field.
Moamba, Maputo: Renamo party headquarters broken into; Renamo posters on the wall replaced with Frelimo ones. 13 September, 0100.
Marracuene, Maputo: Frelimo members assaulted a Renamo group preparing for a rally, and destroyed campaign material. 13 September, 1230.
Alua, Eráti, Nampula: Renamo militants blocked the road, forcing Frelimo campaign group to use other road to enter the town.
Nampula city: 2 Renamo members under arrest for beating a person who was part of an MDM group.
Dondo, Sofala: Frelimo militants blocked road and location of a Renamo rally, and destroyed Renamo campaign material.
Machanga, Sofala: Teenagers used loud music and dancing to disrupt an MDM rally at its headquarters. Police present but did not intervene.
Nhacapiri,Tete: In a largely Renamo area, Frelimo held a rally with 200 young people, who were given large amounts of alcoholic drink. Worry this will encourage violence.
Use of state cars and other resources
Reports from our journalists and the popular correspondents who are monitoring the improper use of state cars, building and other government resources in the campaign.
Chicualacuala, Gaza: Opening of the campaign used district economic activities Land Cruiser MMH 18-91 and education motorcycle Honda 03-71
Vilanculos, Inhambane: Minibus of the Instituto do Magistério Primário, with registration number covered by Frelimo posters, car MLY 45-64 of Aeroportos de Moçambique, and a grey car MMQ 09-02 of Hidrocarbonetos de Moçambique all used by Frelimo in the first day of the campaign.
Mabalane, Gaza: Frelimo in first day of campaign used various state vehicles with registration numbers covered by Frelimo posters, including a Toyota and a double cabin Ford Ranger of the district administration and a motorcycle of the economic activities directorate. Also, a red car MNF 95-18 from economic activities directorate.
Nhacama, Cheringoma, Sofala: Just after midnight Sunday Frelimo opened its campaign with a parade of state cars, all with registration numbers covered, from education, health, and agriculture.

Marringué, Sofala: Frelimo posters in district government office and primary school EPC de Bandar.
Muanza, Sofala: Frelimo using car of the provincial director of health, MMJ 97-79, and of the health directorate, Mitsubishi MLW 79-91.
Búzi, Sofala: Frelimo using motorcycles of the district education, youth and technology services, all covered in Frelimo posters.
Pebane, Zambezia: Frelimo using education Nissan MMJ-76-70 and IDPP Toyota MMI-41-53.
Namialo, Nampula: Frelimo using a car of the district secretariat, Isuzu KB 280 registration MMH-74-24

Fonte: AWEPA & CIP (Boletim nr 3 de 14 de Setembro)
Nota: 1) minhas sinceras desculpas por publicar a versão em inglês, publicarei a em português logo que a obter.
2) Existe alguma vantagem em denunciar violência e o uso de bens do Estado para fins partidários?

6 comentários:

  1. Muito interessante as informaçoes.
    Parabens CIP, pelo louvável trabalho.
    Contra factos, nao há argumentos.
    Aguardemos as reacçoes dos vermelhos

  2. Espero que o MDM continue sereno, calmo com civismo.

  3. Uma autentica vergonha!!! Como poderemos aceitar os resultados das eleicoes que se aproximam, se a Frelimo ja esta a comecar a jogar cartadas sujas desde o principio? A CNE e controlada pela Frelimo, eles ate promoveram certos oficiais ao posto de Ministros e Vice-Ministros. Como podera haver transparencia desta forma? Para conservar os seus postos e usufruirem dos seus salarios chorudos, eles terao de 'provar' aos seus patroes que estao desempenhando o trabalho de verdadeiros lacaios.
    Maria Helena

  4. Reflectindo!
    vamos continuar serenos.
    nao ha motivos para agitaçao, lamentarmos os ferimentos causados, bem como os danos!
    Nao vamos responder as provaçoes!
    Serenidade acima de tudo!
    Nao nascemos da violencia, mas de uma revolta popular.

  5. Este comentário foi removido por um gestor do blogue.

  6. Senhor "Salatiel",

    O seu comentário está guardado para mais análise.

    1. Nenhum Salatiel já comentou neste blog desde que o ceiei em 2005; logo usaste nome falso para passares os teus insultos;

    2. Já eu disse que para quem quer fazer insultos usando seja o anonimato que não o faca passar neste meu blog. Como insultais em nome da Frelimo, até vocês já criaram um blog com perfil e imagem que lhes distinguem.

    3. Por favor, meu senhor, aprenda a respeitar o direito privado. O blog é meu.

    4. Retiro desde já o seu comentário.
